

In the news recently – Britain: it's like eating a pie full of shit with sharp blades interspersed

Various information I obtained from the papers recently.
Mick Philpott is a twat. He is a father of 13 with a wife and a girlfriend who wants his Derby Council to pay for a bigger house for all his sprawling sproglets. At least 8 of the children are always there, with others staying over occasionally at the four bedroom council house. When it gets too much poor Mick, who does not work, has to sleep in the tent in the garden. They claim £2000 a month in benefits. The council said they will have a long wait, if they want a bigger house on the free. What did poor Mick Phillpott have to say to that – 'I think this country is going down the pan'. The fucker. How dare he. I say that, not him. He is one of many reasons why this country is going down the freakin' pan. This is the problem with too much liberty... twats like this can have lots of sprogs, who will seriously lack attention and grow up in crowded and unhealthy conditions, and claim loads of green and not have to lift a finger in the world of decent hard working people. We need laws on this. Two/three sprogs max if you cannot demonstrate competence, unwillingness to suckle from the state's tit and especially if your, deep down, just using your kids as a way out of the real world where people fucking try. If they have the right to pop out as many kids as they want and then to claim stupid amounts of benefits, I want the right to know my taxes are not going to be paying for this irresponsible shit. I also want the right not to walk around town and encounter shitty insulting youths, whose indifferent parents have pissed off their duty to bring up good citizens. Rights...haha ya can manipulate them how you want in theory. You can pull a right out your arse.
Teenage mums – we have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Europe because it's shite here in the UK. The Mirror on Monday 13th published a story about these kids having babies. Laura – mother at 15 – said she met her son's dad in a nightclub. 'I liked him because he offered to buy me vodka'. She also said 'Until I'm 16 I can't get the benefits other people do. I've had to stop the drinking and cut the fags.' Well...shit.
The Government is spending millions on projects to hopelessly reduce this shameful problem. Some are paid money (£30 a week) to complete their GCSEs. Giving them money, for something they should be brought up to believe is crucially important in the first place, is not productive at all. It just brings more shame. We had to give kids money to get an incentive for education. Fuck that up the arse.
On Tuesday night I watched a documentary, with ever growing dismay, called Drunk and Dangerous on BBC1. It followed police forces at various different locations in Britain and showed the state of our 24 hour drinking fest. It is so horrendously pathetic and degrading to see some of these people. These men and women just love to wind-up the police, as they fall out the pubs and get plain nasty and violent. We also have the hooded 'gangsta' youths doing pistol shooting gestures to the officer's heads. Why fear authority... the worse they will get is a night in the cell and/or a small fine. They will be too pissed to worry about being in a cell anyway.
From the Times on Tuesday I learnt that the Government long ago lost control of the asylum system. The Home Office has lost track of 400 foreign national criminals released from Prison and thousands of other failed asylum seekers. If they commit a crime and get caught then they can be removed from the country (but it costs a bomb), oh and some poor sod has to be a victim to reveal them.
I don't know where all this will go...maybe anarchy one day. This underclass and this drinking culture just seems so embedded now. They have all fortified their positions and say a big fuck you to all authority and decent folk everywhere.

Welcome to blogland - I like the cut of your blogging jib.

Alas the underclass exists and grows because it's heavily subsidised by the taxpayer. The Welfare State was created for 1947 Britons - the kind of people who'd have been ashamed to sponge off the State.

Alas it now has to deal with 2006 Brits - not the same people at all.
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Here, here, I have worked from 16 and am still working at 59, and intend to continue as I am fortunate enough to enjoy my job. I loathe the fact that my taxes help the bone idle and scroungers and spongers from where ever!. I don't think anyone should get anything out of our system until they have contributed at least 5 years worth of taxes too. I don't in principle object to helping genuinely needy member's of our society.
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