


Happiness, it is said, is the key to long life. Wealth brings happiness (with a few notable exceptions). And it's true that wealthy people live longer. But it works other ways too, if you are a person beaming happiness day to day (we all know one or two) then you work your way up in the world far more successfully. Ragingly happy people are more sociable; make better contacts; gain attention and opportunities. People like to be their friend. Maybe you think that little bit harder when choosing a present for them, imagining their overjoyed reaction; their smile. However, sadly, I find being ragingly happy all the time very difficult. My boss is. He is stupidly happy sometimes (and he earns fuckloads more than me). Most people around me at work join the British way and moan their fucking arses off and bad mouth all they can; resenting anyone who earns more than them or gets the overtime offers or makes the decisions. Walking around my City, a worryingly large amount of people look miserable and/or intimidating (especially youths with issues). In certain circles, you will find the happiest and loveliest people. But no, I have happy times but I hate so much shit about my own country that true happiness is a little too far out of my reach sometimes. Selfish mayhaps.

ps Central trains please hurry up and fall under, so that maybe a better company can come along and offer a decent service who actually get their drivers to work weekends and manage better than your appalling on time rate. At least send your top guys to Japan to take some notes. No...must...be... happpiiiiiiii.

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